10 Google Analytics Alternatives You Can Try
Google Analytics is without a doubt, the most popular web analytics tool out there. Whether you want to keep track of your website visitors, analyze your traffic sources, measure sales and conversions, this tool covers almost all your needs.
However, depending on the type of business you’ve immersed yourself on and certain needs, Google Analytics is not the only tool to use. In fact, it might not be the most suitable tool you need to help grow your business. Some of the tools below help you understand the data collected from your site visitors to better help you utilize their preferences to help grow your site.
If you’ve been wondering what other players are, here are 10 alternatives to Google Analytics.
Recommended Reading: 20 Must-Know Tips & Tricks To Master Google Analytics Data
The Top 5
1. Clicky
Clicky is one of the most popular web analytics tools available in the market. Similar to Google Analytics, you can tackle all the analytics needs of your online business. It is equipped with a plethora of features to add more dimensions to your analytics data: heat maps visibility and capability to connect it to your goals, split tests and more.
Aside from all the basic analytics features, if your business is more focused on twitter promotion, this tool provides you with a twitter monitoring feature. There is a free trial version that lasts 21 days and you can paid versions in $9.99 – $19.99/mth.
2. Kissmetrics
Unlike other metrics companies, instead of putting effort in providing the figures of page views of your website, this tool came with a different concept, focusing more on people’s data – what they do in your site, that’s what Kissmetrics tells you. If you sell products on your website, this tool will be useful. With the insights you get from it, you will know what approaches to take on your business to convert unknown visitors into loyal customers.
The concept of focusing much on people’s data wouldn’t be applicable without a boatload of features, such as A/B split tests, Testing / Staging sandboxes, Real Time Data Monitoring / Debugger Tool and others. For all these tools, be ready to fork out steep fees to get what it’s worth. Monthly fees start from $150/month.
3. Woopra
Pretty much like Kissmetrics, Woopra’s main focus is on the customer behavior on your site. The dashboard is simple, easy to use and comes with excellent features to decipher the engagement of your customers in your website. This visibility allows you to focus what matters the most to drive your online business.
Woopra features retention analytics, funnel analytics and segmented analytics to take your customer behavior insights to a whole new level. The interesting tool that may catch your action is the “custom notification.” This alerts you instantly about your visitors’ activities on your website to your e-mail. The free version can last you 30 days and priced plans go from $79.95-199.95/mth.
4. Mixpanel
Mixpanel is an analytics platform that prides itself for being “the most advanced analytics platform ever for mobile and the web.” The dashboard is attractive and with a clean design. The segmentation tool allows you to collect in real-time detailed information about the users of your application using complex queries without any SQL skills.
Its even more easy to understand conversions in your website and the lifetime value of a customer by using a method called funnel analysis. Mixpanel has two packages: engagement plans and people plans. There is a free version but if you want more, check out the pricing which depends upon your application model, number of profiles and data points.
5. FoxMetrics
Foxmetrics is an event tracking and web analytics tool that aims at supplying the users with all the standard analytics features to drive their online businesses. Analytics companies have realized that people’s data speak louder than page views. The platform’s main focus is on the actions and activities of visitors on the users’ websites.
Giving much relevancy to the customer behavior has proven to the most effective approach for users to know every customer. Foxmetrics has 4 plans which you can try out for 14 days (on trial): small, medium and large which has prices around $20 – $120/month as well as one for high volume (custom pricing).
A Few More:
Mint – Mint has common essentials you need plus Birdfeeder, which allows you to view analytics data of your feed subscription patterns.
Gauges – Gauges’ dashboard is based on delivering services with simplicity. You have a full display and access to the features in a single place. The pricing ranges from $6 to $48 per month, but you can start with a trial version.
ChartBeat – Not sure how to interpret analytics data of your website? Chartbeat converts complex data into simplistic and easy-to-understand insights. 30 days is sufficient time to analyze if the tool is worth its salt before thinking of getting a premium account.
W3Counter – W3counter is a real-time web stats tool for bloggers and website owners. Alongside W3Counter you can identify what pages are engaging the most and have access to insights of your traffic source. The bottom line is that the sign-up is free.
Gosquared – Like other great tools, Gosquared is a real-time web analytics platform. The dashboard reveals a great dynamism of showing the analytics of your website. The premium account varies from $9 – $99, monthly.
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