10 Sites For The Latest E-Sports News & Professional Gaming Tips
You wouldn’t find your usual television programs while channel surfing in South Korea because you might stumble upon Starcraft gaming leagues airing live on national TV. That phenomenon has been going on for a while now together with gaming organizations setting up team practice houses for players all over the world to improving their gaming skills.
(Image Source: David Schmidt)
Traditionally, gaming is thought to be a waste of time, time that could be spent doing more productive things like reading a book or learning how to code. Perhaps tradition needs to stop hogging the wheel, because these days gaming tournaments sell out in the thousands within an hour.
If you’re interested in keeping up to date in the world of E-Sports, here are 10 websites for the latest news and professional gaming tips.
Recommended Reading: Professional Gaming & How You Can Build A Career In It
1. GameSpot
GameSpot is mainly a place for video game reviews and news. However, their coverage of E-Sports news is expansive, usually including most competitive PC games. Their content also includes behind-the-scenes interviews with players from the events that they attend.
2. ESFI World
ESFI is a news and media portal that covers Starcraft 2, League of Legends, DOTA 2 and fighting games like Street Fighter, and Marvel vs Capcom. They attend live events which is why you can find live interview videos and pictures from tournaments around the US.
3. CyberGamer
CyberGamer is based in Australia focusing on First Person Shooter (FPS) games on both consoles and PC, not forgetting League of Legends and DOTA 2. Their content is mostly news of teams based in Australia and they also organize leagues and tournaments to boost the Australian E-Sports scene.
4. Electronic Sports League
Electronic Sports League or ESL focuses on gaming leagues in Europe, primarily the internationally know Intel Masters Extreme tournament. They focus on PC games like Call of Duty, Counter Strike, Battlefied 3, FIFA, League of Legends, Starcraft 2 and World of Tanks.
5. Team Liquid
Team Liquid is a professional gaming team based in the Netherlands with players from all over the world. Although this is the main website from the team, its news articles and forums are filled with lots of in-depth analysis regarding tactics and strategies for the games DOTA 2, Starcraft 2, and League of Legends.
6. Major League Gaming
Major League Gaming or better known as MLG holds tournaments in North America for games like Starcraft 2, DOTA 2 and Black Ops 2 (XBox). You can catch the latest replays, results and schedules for all their tournaments including team news revolving around their events.
7. Lazygamer
Lazygamer is a video game website that has news and reviews on consoles and PC games. However, they also report about international E-Sports. The site is updated frequently about games like DOTA 2, League of Legends and even FIFA.
8. GosuGamers
Although the main HQ of GosuGamers is in Sweden, they have offices in US and Germany. They cover international news for games like DOTA 2, League of Legends, Starcraft 2 and Heroes of Newerth and also have a large database of game replays.
9. JoinDOTA
Judging by its name, JoinDOTA focuses solely on Defence Of The Ancient 2 (DOTA 2) where you can follow all the latest news, events and online competitions from all over the world. They feature players, team rankings and have a very active forum with many other DOTA 2 enthusiast.
10. ESReality
If you have been wondering where the Quake scene has disappeared to, check out ESReality. It was brought to life by a previous generation Quake pro-gamer and now houses the latest news about Quake Live gaming leagues.
via hongkiat.com http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/35261/f/656072/s/31f7c917/sc/1/l/0L0Shongkiat0N0Cblog0Cesports0Enews0Egaming0Ewebsites0C/story01.htm