15 Calming Color Palette and Tile Wallpapers
We all love looking at beautiful things, and while beauty is subjective, it is hard to go wrong with colors. If however, you find single color or two-tone wallpapers boring you, perhaps it is time to try color palette and tile wallpapers instead. It is abstract, strangely calming and doesn’t scream for attention like other wallpapers do.
If you are looking for wallpapers that will not divert your attention away from what is at the screen, this is the post for you. We have here 15 color palette and tile wallpapers for a variety of sizes, both on desktop and mobile. Name your favorites in the comments!
Color Palette. Wallpaper available in a variety of sizes.
Pixel Wash. Wallpaper available in 1920×1020.
Pixel Matrix. Wallpaper available in 2560×1600, 1920×1200, 1680×1050, and 1600×1200.
Parallel Wallpapers. Wallpapers available in 2560×1600, 2880×1800, 1440×900, 2048×2048, 768×1024 and 1136×640.
Flowers. Wallpaper available for iPhone.
CUBEN Space Series. Wallpaper available in 2048×2048.
Flowers Of Life. Wallpapers available for iPad Retina, iPhone4 and iPhone 5.
Geometric Wallpapers. Various wallpapers available in iPhone size.
Wallpaper by Chris Locke. Wallpaper available for iPhone.
via hongkiat.com http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/35261/f/656072/s/34af4f2d/sc/4/l/0L0Shongkiat0N0Cblog0Cww0Ecolor0Epalette0Ewallpapers0C/story01.htm