20 Quirky Monospaced Fonts for Personal and Commercial Use

Unlike proportional fonts, monospaced fonts consist of characters that all have the same width. This unique characteristic of monospaced fonts makes it easy to quickly tell the number of characters there are in a line, which incidentally is one of the advantages monospaced fonts have over proportional fonts. Monospaced fonts also tend to make text easier to read, thanks to their uniformity and consistency.

It’s precisely because of the simplicity, consistency, and practicality that monospaced fonts are a popular choice among web designers, developers, and programmers in general. With that in mind, we would like to share with you today a collection of 20 monospaced fonts you can get for free.

For more fonts, check out our 100 Must-Have Free Fonts For Commercial And Personal Use.

Please click on the links provided to download any of them.

Cousine by Ascender Fonts

Source Code Pro by Paul D. Hunt

Skyhook Mono by David Waschbüsch

Anonymous Pro by Mark Simonson Studio

Telegrama Raw by Yamaoka Yasuhiro

DejaVu Sans by DejaVu

TeXGyreCursor by GUST e-foundry

Audimat Mono by SMeltery

FreeMono by GNU FreeFont

NotCourierSans by Open Source Publishing

Droid Sans Mono by Google Android

Oxygen Mono by Vernon Adams

Tye Paloon font by Font Monkey

Cutive Mono Font by New Typography

Lekton by Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino

Ubuntu Mono by Dalton Maag Ltd

BPmono by backpacker

CP Mono Font by Liquitype

Liberation Mono by Red Hat

PT Mono Font by Paratype


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