20 Truly Unique Clocks You Want On Your Wall
Time is essential to the modern world to keep everyone in sync. While more and more smart watches are being released, clocks don’t get the same level of attention. Look at the one closest to you now. Is it round or square, only in one or two colors (white doesn’t count as one) with the generic clock hands pacing around the face of the clock in the same rhythmic motion?
Time to spruce things up for a change. There’s nothing in the rule book that says we should keep clocks boring. They can be stylish, cool or downright outrageous. These showcase of 20 extraordinary wall clocks were made to give you some ideas on how to spice up your wall decor, and show off your personal unique style.
Recommended Reading: 20 Alarm Clocks To Wake You Up Creatively
Fry Pan. This frying pan wall clock can be the perfect decoration for your kitchen wall. Just don’t try to cook with it! Fried eggs, anyone?
Whatever, I’m late. Being punctual not one of your life’s goals? Get this whatever clock to support your life mantra – even the numbers refuse to remain in their positions.
Artime. Artime is more than just a clock, it is two. This wall clock can be easily turned into a desk clock without wasting materials. Fantastic product design!
5-to-9 Clock. This half-baked clock is your after-time keeper. It highlights the importance of these 4 hours after work, before you go to bed. A reminder to put some thought into your after hours.
Retro Wall Clock. This handmade creative wall clock with a little retro touch serves as a great decoration for the home. It plays with different colors and shapes, so you can easily get rid of your old boring round clock.
Caffe Espresso Clock. Oh darn it, somebody spilled expresso all over this clock! But isn’t this just an awesome design? And look, gold coffee beans for 3, 6, 9 and 12, so you can tell when it is time… for coffee.
Time is Money. If you drop in a dime for every time this clock passes 12 o’clock, then… you’re going to have a lot of dimes.
Homer Simpson Clock. This Homer wall clock will be much appreciated by Simpson fans. His eyes will follow that bottle of beer around the clock (literally).
Recycled Technics Turntable Clock. This awesome clock was made from recycled turntables and albums. You can even change the album if you want. It’s the best gift for an audiophile.
FreakishCLOCK. Instead of having ordinary clock hands, the whole face of this clock is a spinning disk with a hole showing you what hour of the day it is.
Tie Clock. This clock was designed for all the necktie-wearing businesspeople who mean business!
GEMSTONE. One more clock example that can be used as both a wall and desk clock. When it’s closed the clock takes the shape of a brilliant-cut gem; when it’s opened, like the sun or a star.
YOUR TIME. Choose which time you like the most from 2 (Is lunch over?), 6 (Time to clock out), or 9 (Am I late? Am I late?) number and pick a clock.
Table Clock Book. This fun and functional clock is the perfect decoration for any geek’s bookshelf. The numbers THREE and NINE became the topic of the two accompanying books.
Penny Farthing Clock. This bicycle wall clock is a symbol of an endless journey, that transcends through time.
Clock Of Recycled Magazines. This amazing wall clock was made from recycled magazines. Way to ‘read’ the time.
Union Jack Canvas. This stylish and bright wall clock, with the British flag, will be a great decoration for any room.
Ink Splatter. This bright ink splatter clock will be a good addition to a wall in a modern house. Moreover, it can be a good conversation starter for the guests.
I’m the Boss III. This wall clock is designed to make a statement. Who’s the boss around these parts? Look at the clock.
Vinyl Wall Clock Stickers. Every designer will appreciate this stunning rainbow wall clock. The clock is made of vinyl, and these stickers can be stuck even on a window.
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