25 Best travel and location Android Apps
Advancement in the field of technology, especially Information Technology industry has led to the invention of applications which have helped us in leading a much more convenient life. Starting from keeping a check on our calorie intake to giving us precise direction to reach a particular destination, applications can perform multifarious tasks. A genre of application that has become really popular among the Android users is travel apps that helps the travelers a lot by providing real-time information.
Though we love to travel around different parts of the world, but at times it can turn out to be really daunting task, especially if are traveling around a foreign land. The travel apps can be your guide and mentor at such time. With the help of these apps you will get precise direction in an unknown city, check the flight schedule and timings, find hotels, get a fair idea about the climatic condition prevailing out there, distance between different places and get to know many other important details. Thus the use of these apps will make your life much better and convenient.
On the Google store you will come across plenty of travel apps, but all of them are not good. So we have handpicked twenty five travel and location apps that are the best in this genre. These apps have many unique tools and features that will help you in making the most of your leisure or business trip. Please share with us which one among these you found out to be most useful in the comment’s section.
1. EasyJet
2. Expedia
3. Hipmunk
5. MapFactor
6. Cleartrip
7. Currency Converter
8. FlightTrack
9. BackCountry
10. iXiGO
11. Localicious
12. Clocks around the world
13. Maps
14. MapsWithMe
15. Mojostreet
16. Orbitz
17. Skyscanner
18. Talk To Me Classic
19. Taptrip
20. WebMD
21. Tourist
22. TripAdvisor
23. TripIt
24. Triposo
25. Waze
via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/best-of-the-web/25-best-travel-and-location-android-apps?source=rss