25 Creative Android Mascot Styles
The word mascot has been derived from the French term ‘mascotte’ which means magicians. Mascots have been used from time immemorial as they are said to bring good luck. Presently, mascots are being used by different organizations, schools, institutions, corporate business houses and other institutions so that the common mass can identify with it easily and aid in popularizing the brand. Therefore, mascots have evolved as an important marketing tool that is used by renowned brands for promoting their brand name.
In this blog post, we are primarily focusing our attention on attractive variations of android mascot styles that have been designed by renowned graphic artists. The petite and cute android mascot icon has gained a lot of popularity and being set as a fine example to draw inspiration from. The classic tech icon of android operating system has been styled differently for different occasions to be in sync with different moods and seasons. Android’s mascot is popularly known as bugdroid and the adorable look of bugdroid has made millions of common people to fall for it immediately. This little green mascot has been designed by Irina Blok, but Bugdroid is not always in his green avatar.
This collection of twenty five creative android mascots is a source of inspiration for the graphic designers and creative artists. They can use these as an example for extending their imagination and thereafter come up with an innovative customization of their own. Post us your views on this collection as it will help in the overall growth of the entire graphic designing community.
1. Christmas Android
2. Chinese android
3. Classy android
4. Galaxy S2
5. Android
6. Creature pose
7. Danger Mouse Android
8. Android Rain
9. Android robot toy
10. Android with weapon
11. Bear Warrior
12. Cyclops Android
13. Little android just arrived at my door
14. Dark Android
15. Oppa Android Style
16. Agent Android
17. Android by davedoe
18. Android GUARDIAN
19. SanDisk Android
20. Copperbot
21. Che Alien Android
22. Droid Doctor
23. MichaelAngelo Android
24. Power Vampire Android
25. Cat Costume Custom Android
via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/graphics/25-creative-android-mascot-styles?source=rss