25 Creative Bookshelf Designs You Have Got To See
If you love books, no tablet, e-book or e-reader will make you abandon your love for paper and print. And no self-respecting bookworm will mistreat his or her library of books. However, if you can’t find space for a personal library, at home or at work, maybe these creative bookshelves can help you better organize your favorite reading materials.
Here are 25 creative ways to organize and display your books, ranging for water pipes to curvy trees, to ‘the cloud’ and even bookshelves you can’t see! Plus, if you are the DIY type, these will serve as a great source of inspiration for your own version of a creative bookshelf.
Recommended Reading: 34 Creative Furniture That Stand Out From The Rest
The Infinity Bookcase. (Image Source: Job Koelewijn)
The Staircase Bookshelf. (Image Source: apartmenttherapy)
Bookseat. (Image Source: Fishbol)
Circular Walking Bookshelf. (Image Source: David Garcia Studio)
The Neverending Bookshelf. (Image Source: Luca Nichetto and Andreoli)
Console Bookshelves. (Image Source: Stanislav Katz)
The Equation Bookshelf. (Image Source: Estudio Breder)
Movement Bookshelf. (Image Source: Samulnoli)
Invisible Bookshelves. (Image Source: pennysdaybook)
Inverted Bookshelf. (Image Source: Instructables)
Pulse Bookshelf. (Image Source: Mans Salomonsen)
Elastico Bookcase. (Image Source: Arianna Vivenzio)
Bias of Thoughts. (Image Source: Laughing Squid)
Chuck. (Image Source: Hafriko)
Round Sofa. (Image Source: Irina Zhdanova)
BookTree. (Image Source: Kostas Syrtariotis)
Second And A Half Dimension Shelves. (Image Source: Chris Burns)
READ Bookshelf. (Image Source: mubarocks)
United States Bookshelf. (Image Source: hiconsumption)
“Has Been Read” And “Will Be Read” Bookshelf. (Image Source: ezgiayaz)
The Corner Industrial Bookshelf. (Image Source: Stella Bleu Designs)
Malagana: Equilibrium Bookcase. (Image Source: Malagana)
Dream Bookshelf. (Image Source: Dripta Design)
Ousama Bookshelf. (Image Source: Dripta Design)
Bookworm Bookshelf. (Image Source: Kartell)
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