$29 For A Robotic Bug You Can Control With iOS [Deal]

robotic bug

iHelicopters has created bugs – one looks like a cross between a cockroach, a fly and a bee; the other like a mini-tank (just look at it!) – that can be controlled with any iOS device, your iPhone, iPad or iPod. Just download the controller app from the App Store, plug the transmitter into your iOS device and watch it go.

No batteries included, or required. The ‘bug’ is rechargeable via USB and until further notice, does not fly. Be careful not to let it get squashed by freaked out passers-by!

Best of all, shipping is free, no matter where you are in the world. It is available for $29 (original price: $40) for the next 7 days.


via hongkiat.com http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/35261/f/656072/s/32e6f74b/sc/15/l/0L0Shongkiat0N0Cblog0Cdeal0Eios0Econtrolled0Ebug0C/story01.htm