30 Amazing Aviation Photographs
Airplane makes an amazing subject of photography but at the same time it is also extremely challenging to click an amazing aviation shot. As the subject of the photograph is always moving, it is extremely difficult to take a shot. A good DSLR camera, tripod and wide angle lens are some of the basic requirements for clicking a great shot. Moreover, you must settle yourself in a good location from where you get the clearest view of the planes shooting through the sky. So reach the location as early as possible. This will help you to settle down with your gadgets in the best position. Here are some of the tips that will help you to get the best shot:
The shutter speed of the camera should be greater than twice the length of the lens of the camera. The perspective from which you are taking the photograph is also important for clicking an amazing shot. Its best to continue clicking from one position as then there will be the least chance of missing out amazing opportunity. Lastly, do not get so busy that you forget to enjoy the aviation show.
In this blog post, we have collected thirty amazing aviation photographs that were taken by professionals specializing in this genre. If you want to kick start your career in photography, then aviation photographs will be good theme to start with. These examples will help them to draw valuable inspiration and thereafter try it out. Post your response about this collection in the comment’s section and share it your friends.
1. Aeon blue
2. Air Race
3. Aviation Nation
4. Blue Angels Airshow
5. Blues Diamond
6. Early Morning Light
7. Fighter Jets On A Runway
8. Great Georgia Airshow
9. River Rattler
10. Snowbirds Over The Top
11. Airshow
12. ArturoYee
13. Azerbaijan Airlines
14. Beriev Be
15. Biggin Hill International Air Fair
16. Complicated landing
17. Dauntless & Zero replica
18. Dayton
19. First shot on a new lens
20. Heritage Flight
21. Hornet
22. Metal Diamond
23. Operational United
24. Persian Gulf
25. Red Arrows
26. Sixangels
27. Spectacular Aviation Photography
28. Strike Eagle
29. Super Hornet Heatwave
30. Super Hornet Rising
via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/photography/30-amazing-aviation-photographs?source=rss