35 Inspirational Artworks and Wallpapers of The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey is a fantasy film that has been adapted from the book The Hobbit written by J. R. R. Tolkien. This is the first part of the trilogy series in which the protagonist Bilbo Baggins travels along with thirteen dwarves to the Middle Earth to recapture the Lonely Mountains from the antihero Smaug. Tolkien fans who have seen the Lord of the Rings for several times, would definitely love to watch The Hobbit as well.
Hobbits are a fictional character that has emerged from the imagination of writer Tolkien. They have characteristic of a human being, but they are not entirely human beings. The protagonist of movie Bilbo is the titular head of the hobbits who leads other members of their race. The adventures of Bilbo, the leaders along with his friends have been the subject of interest of many graphic artists. They have sketched many awesome sequences of their journey to the Middle earth that have been appreciated by the Tolkien fans.
In this write up, we have shared with the readers thirty five inspirational artworks and wallpapers of The Hobbit. The fans can easily download these artworks and use it as wallpaper in different kinds of gadgets. The graphic artists can also draw inspiration from these examples and thereafter come up with their own creative artwork. Share this collection with all your friends who were diehard fans of the Lord of Rings so that they can gain access to these awesome artworks. Enjoy!!
1. A whole bunch of dwarves
2. Hobbit bond
3. It hurts
4. Night
5. The hobbit by maxkennedy
6. The hobbit by ryky
7. The hobbit by rhythmax
8. Thorin and Bilbo
9. Thorinnnn
10. Kili Hobbit
11. King Under the Mountain
12. The hobbit by obsessed
13. Metalsmith Thorin
14. FILI
15. Hobbit by marucoism
16. The Hobbit wallpaper
17. The One
18. Grey
19. Gold in flames
20. Falls
21. An Unexpected Journey 3
22. Journey wallpaper
23. My vision
24. Plain text
25. An Unexpected Journey
26. Bilbo Baggins
27. Bilbo Baggins Artwork wallpaper
28. Dwarves wallpaper
29. Gollum
30. Hobbit
31. Ian Mckellen as Gandalf in The Hobbit
32. Ring
33. The Desolation of Smaug
34. The hobbit by robi
35. The hobbit by matthewcumbo
via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/wallpapers/35-inspirational-artworks-and-wallpapers-of-the-hobbit-an-unexpected-journey?source=rss