35 Very Useful Bread Textures For Inspiration
Textures are an essential part of the web designing. It is the foundation on which other contents of the webpage are laid down. A good texture adds depth to the contents of the website and enhances the appearance of the overall webpage. Therefore, creating a gorgeous and attractive texture is one of the primary tasks of the designers. However, the designers also have the option of using awesome free textures available on the internet which makes their work much easier.
In today’s write up we have collected thirty five beautiful and useful bread textures. Bread has been one of the staple foods from the ancient days. It is made from wheat flour and it extremely nutritious. However as time passed by, we can see an evolution in the usage of bread. Bread has also entered the world of web designing as nowadays bread textures are also used as backgrounds or textures for websites. Such textures are used in websites related to food and health. Though these textures are still not extensively used, but it has definitely gathered positive response from the web designers. Use of these textures will definitely help in creating an engaging and attractive web design which is essential for attracting more viewers to the site.
This post is especially dedicated for the web designers who are interested in developing bread textures in their future. They can draw inspiration from these examples before starting on their new project. We will be eagerly waiting for your honest comments on this fresh and innovative collection. Enjoy!!
1. Crust
2. Knead-not, want-not
3. Texture by Editor B
4. Homemade bread
5. Slice of brown bread
6. Bread-by-Calbutos
7. Bread by Plateauce
8. Exceptionally beautiful bread
9. Bread by Demara
10. Our Daily Bread
11. Bread mmm
12. Persimmon-Banana Texture
13. Old Bread
14. Bread Stock
15. Bread-texture
16. Slice bread texture
17. Draught Bread
18. Sliced Bread
19. Olive oil and rosemary bread
20. Eating Bread
21. Pide Bread
22. Brown Bread
23. Millet Bread Texture
24. Wheat Bread Texture
25. Bread
26. Panettone
27. 100% Wholemeal
28. Loaf Texture
29. Brown bread seamless
30. Ekmek
31. Bread by Kliverap
32. Breads of Turkish hotel
33. Rustic bread
34. Bread Texture by Ruud Hein
35. Sourdough-bread
via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/inspiration/35-very-useful-bread-textures-for-inspiration?source=rss