50 Creative RSS Sections in Websites for Inspiration
You might have noticed that most websites have small icons, some social media icons and some others, usually in the top right corner of the screen, with the heading saying something like “Follow Us” or “Stay Connected”. Have you ever wondered what do they mean? Well, they mean that you can stay connected with the website and follow the website’s updates without actually visiting the site. If you are following a website on Twitter then you will receive updates in the form of tweets on your Twitter profile, if you are following it on Facebook then you will receive the updates in your news feed and similarly if you have subscribed to the RSS feed of a website then you will get all the posts of the website in your RSS reader. Let me explain.
First of all RSS has no fixed expansion. The most popular one is Really Simple Syndication but other full forms also exist. In order to use the RSS you need to have an RSS reader. An RSS reader works somewhat similarly as your email id. The main difference being that an email id receives emails while an RSS reader receives updates from websites. The latest updates go to the top of the list and the old ones go down. This saves a lot of your time as you no longer need to visit and check each individual site to know whether it has something new to offer or not.
Below I present you with 50 creative RSS sections of websites for your inspiration.
1. Blog Metender
2. Beautiful 2
3. WP Engineer
4. WP Tavern
5. CSS Broadway
6. Pro Blogger
7. Creative Curio
8. PVM Garage
9. Arbent
10. Tutorial 9
11. Well Medicated
12. Niki Brown
13. Hieu
14. Photoshop lady
15. Studio 83
16. Creative Nerds
17. Branded 07
18. Spoon Graphics
19. Open Source Hunter
20. PSD Fan Extra
21. Productive Dream
22. Design Flavr
23. I Love Colors
24. Vec Tips
25. Color Burned
26. Nebo Agency
27. Ashraf Khattab
28. Hebatec
29. Feed Weaver
30. Cute Little Factory
31. Art of Dying
32. Ester Liquori Design
33. Marco Folio
34. Bene Star
35. Urban Pie
36. The Design Mag
37. Little box of ideas
38. Killer Directory
39. Minervity
40. Dezignus
41. Inspired ology
42. Search Engine Journal
43. Attitude Design
44. Brain Yerkes
45. Fore Fathers Group
46. Lectiadestil
47. Wecritique designs
48. My Ink Blog
49. Think Vitamin
50. Giackop
I hope these RSS designs will help you create better RSS icons for your own website. Let me know in the comments below what do you think about the above collection.
Author Bio – James is the webmaster of Web Hosting Juice. If you doesn’t know which web host to use, you can read his web hosting reviews. You can begin with his Justhost review to know why it is highly recommended.
via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/inspiration/50-creative-rss-sections-in-websites-for-inspiration?source=rss