55 Amazing MOBA Character Fan Art [Showcase]
Ever heard of the term Multiple Online Battle Arena a.k.a MOBA? It’s the game genre you are playing in League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Dota 2 and the likes. These games are similar to one another — gameplay is based on a team of 5 against a rival team of 5 and destroying the enemy’s base is the highlight of the game.
More importantly, the graphics and visuals players experience in these games are quite amazing, prompting the rise of fan art that could even rival the originals. All we can say is that these 55 epic re-creations are proof that there is a whole lot of talent brewing in MOBA players.
Recommended Reading: Online Games Wallpapers [Wallpaper Wednesday]
Know of more fan art that you want to share with us? Comment below.
League Of Legends (LoL)
Support Lulu? No! I’m Warlord Lulu!. (Image Source: Patibut Preeyawongsakul)
Lulu. (Image Source: Xguides)
Brand. (Image Source: Matthieu)
Riven In Noxus. (Image Source: BeanBean1988)
Ezreal. (Image Source: FAYSON1337)
Sion. (Image Source: Antonio De Luca)
Teemoo. (Image Source: Charles)
Zap Zap Volibear. (Image Source: Kelly Fong)
Candy Burglar Ziggs. (Image Source: Sebastian Rodriguez)
Runic Bulwark OP. (Image Source: Skrubhjert)
Caitlyn. (Image Source: Astrid Mähner & Timo Böhmler)
Blitzcrank. (Image Source: FAYSON1337)
Veigar. (Image Source: Matthieu)
Elise Vs Vladimir. (Image Source: Anna Verhoog)
Demacian Justice Garen. (Image Source: Billy Christian)
Demonblade Tryndamere. (Image Source: Shreya)
Serious Shaco. (Image Source: Patibut Preeyawongsakul)
Sion Splash. (Image Source: Patibut Preeyawongsakul)
Wukong Vs Amumu. (Image Source: Jason)
Twisted Fate Vs Graves. (Image Source: FAYSON1337)
Annie and Tibbers. (Image Source: Yum)
Defense of The Ancients 2 (DotA 2)
Tiny. (Image Source: Trung)
Leviathan The Tidehunter. (Image Source: Yap Wee Lim)
Mask Off. (Image Source: Trung)
Dragon Knight Vs Jakiro. (Image Source: Trung)
Lion’s Prey. (Image Source: Kael Ngu)
The Warlock. (Image Source: biggreenpepper)
Pudge Vs Meepo. (Image Source: Matt Lau)
Sentinel. (Image Source: Ken Wong)
Gyrocopter. (Image Source: Ayan Nag)
Phantom Assasin The Mortred. (Image Source: Ayan Nag)
Phantom Assasin. (Image Source: Lee)
Feed The Swarm. (Image Source: Digl Dixon)
Heroes of DotA 2. (Image Source: MT·orange)
Clinkz Bone. (Image Source: biggreenpepper)
Rikimaru SA. (Image Source: biggreenpepper)
Vengeful Spirit. (Image Source: Tia)
Lich. (Image Source: BigGreenPepper)
Dirge. (Image Source: BigGreenPepper)
Chaos Knight. (Image Source: BigGreenPepper)
Axe of Dota. (Image Source: MT·orange)
Windrunner. (Image Source: Digl Dixon)
Radian Vs Dire. (Image Source: Nahnahnivek)
Heroes of Newerth (HoN)
Electrician. (Image Source: Robert)
Gauntlet. (Image Source: Eren Arik)
Salomon. (Image Source: Izaskun)
Magebane Vs Devourer. (Image Source: David De Léon Luis DLL)
Tikbalang. (Image Source: Ilse “Lhune” Gort)
Dyad. (Image Source: Izaskun)
Scout Vs Sandwraith. (Image Source: Joseph Kingaby)
Heavy Gauntlet. (Image Source: S2Ari)
Electrician Shield. (Image Source: Joseph Kingaby)
Deadwood. (Image Source: Joseph Kingaby)
Huge Deadwood. (Image Source: Justin Rettberg)
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