Integrate Free Live Chat Feature on Your Site with Offerchat

For business or service-providing websites, it is very important to have a livechat sales or support chat for the user’s convenience. Live chat helps convert more visitors into customers, gives your business happier customers, provides much needed support for users and makes your service or business more professional.

With this in mind, let me introduce to you a free service to provide live chat on your website or app: Offerchat.

Offerchat differs from other live chat providers by allowing you to assign your own agents in unlimited amounts, hire remote agents when needed, unlimited websites and domains, unlimited installations and much more.

Getting Started with Offerchat

Sign up for a free account with Offerchat with your email, domain name and password.

After signing up and logging in, you will get a small notice on your Offerchat dashboard prompting you to install the Javascript code on your website.

Copy the Javascript code and paste it into your HTML document, WordPress page, or a file which you can upload or publish to your website. If you are installing Offerchat on a single page with HTML, be sure to paste the code in between the two "header" tags.

For a step by step guide on how to install it click here.

Account Dashboard and Other Features

The Offerchat account dashboard is the main "hub" for your live chat and also your account information. Let’s take a look at what the Offerchat dashboard does for you:  

Chat History

Whether it be the history of the chats you or your many agents were involved in, you can view the history, the visitor, the agent information, the time stamps, custom dates and times, and more.

Full Analytics

Analytics and daily reports come built into Offerchat. You can simply view a full-fledged analytic report and data dashboard easily. The viewing experience and settings are similiar to Google Analytics and Piwik which is a big plus.

Live Chat Agents

What is a live chat system without the agents? With Offerchat you can instantly assign agents to your live chat with a simple form. You can also choose what permissions they have, what websites they are in charge of, the user will only be able to access and execute a given role on the assigned websites.

Instant Live Chat Viewing

Offerchat allows you to instantly view the current and live chats happening right there and then, no matter which agent is conducting the chat.

Chat Settings

Offerchat also brings to you a wide range of customizable options:

  • Customize and save the default opening responses that agents can click and instantly send to the customer or visitor.
  • Customize an offline message for inactive periods, and set time triggers for system to recognize inactivity.
  • Set and enable chat triggers; the system will automatically send proactive chats or custom messages to pre-qualified leads.


  • Easy registration process.
  • Simple and easy live chat integration.
  • Complete analytics for your live chats and visitors.
  • Hire (unlimited) agents to chat with customers when you’re not in the office.
  • Fast customer service (as the inquiries come in).
  • Use canned responses to help agents answer more questions in less time.
  • Offerchat integrates with any IM client that supports XMPP or Jabber.


  • Does not sync with online chat services like Google Hangouts.
  • Cannot add agents from synced accounts.
  • No individual agent profiles with bios or social links.

