Keep Calm & Love Your Web Designers [Posters]
Web designers have a lot to deal with and we’re not just talking about the work that they are doing. Malfunctions, miscommunications, subjective tastes, colors that are not colors, micro-managers, fickle trends, bosses that don’t get it, clients that refuse to get it, and the list goes on.
(Image Source: Alan Guzman)
Perhaps, that is why there are so many of these Keep Calm and [insert tongue-in-cheek solution here] posters around to keep our collective chins up. Here are 12 Keep Calm posters that let you have a good glimpse into the designer’s daily struggles. And to all our beloved web designers, we share your pain(!) and we salute your courage to soldier on.
Read Also: 10 Things Freelancers Don’t Like Hearing From Clients
Keep Calm and Carry On. Having a bad day with designer’s block? Just keep calm and carry on! (Image Source: Graham Phisher)
Keep Calm and Save Often. It’s the oldest rule in the book, because if you don’t, well, we’ll let this Twitter stream say the rest. (Image Source: Alex Jane Art)
Keep Calm and CMD+Z. Previously known as the Undo button, this is the command that we wish to have a real-life counterpart to. (Image Source: Paweł Kadysz)
Keep Calm And Use The Force Quit. Then, breathe! Breathe like Vader! (Image Source: ron-guyatt)
Keep Calm And CTRL+ALT+DEL. You win some, you lose some, but if you stay calm, you can start again. (Image Source: Keep Calm And Posters)
Keep Calm And Google It. Don’t you feel all warm inside knowing that Google has your back? (Image Source: Manish Mansinh)
Keep Calm And Look Busy. If you ever wonder what the real purpose for social networks is, there you have it. Someone’s coming, look busy! (Image Source: Manish Mansinh)
Keep Calm And Make The Logo Bigger. Sometimes the client from hell deserves a chair in the face. Other times, we should just watch our blood pressure and make the logo bigger. (Image Source: Eleonora Anzini)
Keep Calm And Lorem Ipsum. They say a web designer’s experience is proportional to how much Lorem Ipsum he can recall. I can do… Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Good enough. (Image Source: Eleonora Anzini)
Keep Calm And Type On. Once the type is on, it’s hard to not spend a night perfecting its kerning. (Image Source: Alan Guzman)
Keep Calm And Flip A Table. Keep an extra table nearby just to flip it when things go south, then carry on soldier. (Image Source: Keep Calm-o-matic)
Keep Calm And Redesign The Web. Too many mobile devices to support? HTML5 and Responsive Web Design to the rescue. All hail HTML5! (Image Source: Vinícius de Thomaz Domingues)
Got your own piece of Keep Calm quote to share with us? You know what to do!