Spooky Wallpapers For Halloween [Wallpaper Wednesday]
The ghastly night of Halloween where ghouls and ghosts and zombies roam the streets is almost here! If you haven’t seen it, we recently featured a Halloween resource bundle with plenty of fonts, vectors, tutorials and icons to help you scarify your sites and designs. Need inspiration? How about taking a look at the evolution of horror posters from 1922 to 2009?
To help your desktop get with the party, here is a collection of 19 ghastly (but great) Halloween wallpapers you should be checking out. After that, you can always check out these dark wallpapers or our collection of iOS an Android apps fit for Halloween.
Recommended Reading: 50+ Be-Bewitched Halloween Wallpapers
Halloween Funny. Available in various sizes.
Frankenstein Halloween. Available in 1920×1200.
Witch On A Broom. Available in various sizes.
Happy Spooky Halloween. Available in 1920×1080.
Halloween Midnight Watch. Available in various sizes.
The Scarecrow. Available in various sizes.
Halloween Ritual. Available in various sizes.
Halloween Holiday Castle. Available in various sizes.
Spooky House. Available in various sizes.
Darker Halloween. Available in 1920×1200.
Halloween Scarecrow. Available in various sizes.
Halloween House. Available in various sizes.
Happy Halloween. Available in the following size(s): 800×600, 1024×768, 1152×864, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1280×960, 1366×768, 1400×1050, 1440×900, 1600×900, 1600×1200, 1680x1050m 1920×1200.
Evil Pumpkin. Available in various sizes.
Moonlit Halloween. Available in the following size(s): 800×600, 1024×768, 1152×864, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1280×960, 1366×768, 1400×1050, 1440×900, 1600×900, 1600×1200, 1680x1050m 1920×1200.
Night Of Halloween. Available in 1366×768.
Pumpkin Castle. Available in the following size(s): 640×480, 800×960, 1024×768, 1152×864, 1280×960, 1280×1024, 1440×1080, 1600×1200, 2048×1536.
Halloween. Available in the following size(s): 1024×1024,1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1680×1050, 1920×1200, 2560×1440.
Dark & Scary. Available in 1920×1200.
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