Want To Sponsor A Giveaway? Try Giveaway.ly

Dozens of methods exist for the promotion and advertisement of your products. You can use paid adverts like Google AdSense, you can write a guest post on a top notch blog and back-link to your product’s website, you can ask a high profile Twitter account holder with millions of followers to do a paid tweet for your product and so on and so forth. But there is a method in which all the people involved i.e. the advertiser, the ad publisher and the viewers who view the ad, they all profit. And that method is sponsoring a giveaway.

Giveaway.ly is a website which offers a unique platform for bloggers and advertisers to meet each other and run these sponsored giveaways.

Here is how the website looks

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Both advertisers and bloggers need to create their accounts on the site by signing-up. The admin will review the applications and, if found satisfactory, will accept them.

The advertiser can then run his campaign.

The image above shows a part of how this campaign looks. The advertiser can choose whether he wants to run a paid campaign in which he has to pay the blogger for running the campaign or a free copy in which case he doesn’t have to pay anything.

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Then he must enter his budget. The more his budget the more blogs will be interested in his campaign and hence the more choices he will have. In fact the popup will display the number of blogs satisfying his budget.

Then the advertiser can click on the targeting tab and the screen, will appear as shown above. In it, among other things, you can select your target audience’s demography and minimum amount of page views that you want the blog to have.

This target audience demography feature is especially useful if your product pertains only to certain geographic locations. So for example your product is a Hindi book you would like India to be your target audience., not the whole world.

Then when everything is set and done it’s time for you to choose blogs. After clicking on Next and then on Select Blogs you will land on a page which will contain a list of blogs matching your criteria as shown below.

As you can see the relevant details of the blogs like page impressions per month, Facebook fans, Twitter followers are all displayed against the blog’s names.

There is also a section that says “GA Verfied”. This GA stands for Google Analytics. Giveaway.ly provides an option by which the blogger can verify i.e. grant access to Giveaway.ly so that it may pull in his statistics directly from Google Analytics. This ensures transparency and builds up trust between the advertiser and the blogger. For more on this read Why Marketplace Should Verify Blog Traffic Stats and How we do it.

Then the advertiser can select a blog or more than one blog to run his campaign. Here is how reports main looks like

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It is as simple as that.

Giveaway.ly is worth checking out. Go, take a look and let me know in the comments below what you think of it.

via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/reviews/want-to-sponsor-a-giveaway-try-giveaway-ly?source=rss