20 Free jQuery Pagination Plugins for Web Designers

Pagination is a process whereby the different information, data and contents of the webpage can be divided into discrete parts. This process can be applied in the online as well as offline pages to chalk out the different vital information and give them the due exposure. Such effects can be easily brought about in a website with the integration of jQuery plugins. Application of pagination techniques is particularly important for websites where there are a lot of facts that need to be shared regularly with the visitors.

Pagination is an important technique with the application of which the numbers of visitors in the website can be increased to a great extent. Since the vital information is segregated into different sections, it becomes easier for the visitors to focus on the same and start navigating through the website. Thus the visitors are going to spend more time in the website and conversion rate is also going to increase. jQuery are open source plugins from the JavaScript library that the developers can easily customize and use it in their project. There are many jQuery plugins on the internet that are going to produce different pagination effects on the screen, thus leaving the designers with plenty of options to choose from.

1. JPages


Demo & Download

2. JPaginator CSS3 Edition


Demo & Download

3. A Fancy jQuery Pagination Plugin


Demo & Download

4. A jQuery Pagination Plugin


Demo & Download

5. A jQuery Pagination Solution


Demo & Download

6. How to create easy pagination with jQuery


Demo & Download

7. JPaginator


Demo & Download

8. JQuery Mobile Pagination Plugin


Demo & Download

9. JQuery Pagination revised


Demo & Download

10. Jquery-Php Ajax Pagination


Demo & Download

11. JQuery UI themes compatible


Demo & Download

12. Simple Pager


Demo & Download

13. Making a jQuery pagination system


Demo & Download

14. Smart Paginator


Demo & Download

15. Pagination with Jquery, PHP , Ajax and MySQL


Demo & Download

16. Simple, Lighweight jQuery Pagination Plugin


Demo & Download

17. Some styles for your pagination


Demo & Download

18. Creating Modern jQuery Pagination for Content


Demo & Download

19. Use jQuery to Generate Quick Pagination


Demo & Download

20. AJAX Pagination using jQuery and PHP with Animation


Demo & Download

We have collected twenty best jQuery pagination plugins among them that will be extremely useful for the web designers. The designers can easily download it from the internet by clicking on the respective links and use them in their projects.

via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/web-development/20-free-jquery-pagination-plugins-for-web-designers?source=rss