30 Unusual Houses With Human Face [PICS]
I believe we all have similar experience during our childhood drawing class – you draw a house with 1 door and 2 windows, and somehow the house looks like it got a face on it! Well, tell you what, the houses in our real world got that ‘face’ too, and here’s another amazing fact – they are even, even funnier than your drawings!
(Image Source: Afri Ola)
And this is exactly what we want to make your day today – featuring 30 houses with human-like faces that have ridiculously ridiculous potential to amaze and amuse you! Heck, even the house with Hitler-like face is just a small case, most pieces showcased here are guaranteed to cause you greater joy and laughter!
So yeah, just sit tight in your house and enjoy this funny collection of the houses with their naughty face expression. And I’m pretty sure that after this post, you will run out from your house and take a glance at it, just to know that how your lovely house’ face exactly looks like!
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Innisfil Blue House. First of all let us see a standard face! Does this remind you of the house drawings you’ve made in your childhood? Until now I could still only draw a house like this, in 2D feel, of course. (Image Source: Mr Perry)
Ah. Either the house designer took inspiration from a Japanese comic or game artist, or the artists took the inspiration from this house designer, because this looks like the amusing faces in animes and games! (Image Source: jili’m)
Ah! If you’re a hardcore Hatsune Miku fan, you will know this funny face expression at first glance. A mini hint here. (Image Source: Zhuang77)
Aloha. The owner of this house must be a happy guy, as he could just look at his house whenever he feels down. (Image Source: Jenguin)
Angry House. I’m pretty sure that this house has few theft cases… at least in the morning. (Image Source: Houses with Faces)
Bothered. “That isn’t funny at all, dude.” (Image Source: cheesemonster)
Cute House. The cuteness level here is through the roof (so to speak)! (Image Source: TheDentures)
Dog House. Its level of awesomeness and cuteness surpasses most houses with human faces. And I seriously doubt if the designer intended to design the house this way. (Image Source: RuSt)
Double Face. The lesson here is next time you open a restaurant, you gotta choose buildings that got amusing and friendly face that seems like it’s asking you, “Hey, want some coffee?” (Image Source: _Marcel_)
Even Got Teeth. It’s not a full smile but at least this one got some teeth? (Image Source: Jacob…K)
Funky House. “Cheer up yo!” Depressed people need this house, as it constantly reminds you to ‘take it easy’.(Image Source: SReed99342)
Ghost Face. Real high cheekbones. (Image Source: martinj13)
Got the Blues. “Not today dude, not today…” (Image Source: _Marcel_)
Haired House. Complete with the half-covered-eye look you get with a hairstyle like this. (Image Source: mandragor.de)
Happy House. It’s happy because of the full harvest! (Image Source: sekundo)
Hausgesicht. Unique house comes with unique faces. I wonder what’s the real purpose of the purple section, apart from giving the house a mouth! (Image Source: desisfad)
Hehe. ‘He’s photographing me, gotta put on a good smile! Hehe!’ (Image Source: Isoflow)
Hitler. This house, said to look like Hitler, was trending on Twitter and the Web. Check out the resemblance at the source link. (Image Source: Daily Mail)
I Will Kill You. “Don’t mess with me, mortal!” Psycho(-looking) house spotted! (Image Source: Mama Zita)
I’m Watching You. It kinda creeps me out at first, but these ‘eyes’ are common building patterns in a certain country. (Image Source: Afri Ola)
Kyoto Face. Am I the only one who thinks that the face looks exactly like the yellow Angry Bird‘s face? Now I know where Angry Bird developers drew their inspiration from! (Image Source: zio Paolino)
Lion Face. You don’t need a bricked house to make a face, and heck, this looks even more surreal! (Image Source: courregesg)
Looking Right. “Dude, you sure about that?” says house to something off-screen. (Image Source: sebisghosts)
Ooh. I’m not really sure if the builder wanted to make a cute face at the side of this house. (Image Source: joseanavas)
Ooh!! Pretty!! Gasp! What do you think it saw? (Image Source: jackofgrey)
Smile! It knows it’s having its photo taken! (Image Source: kosmonautica)
The Walls Have Ears. And when it’s not clear enough, let’s go and add eyes and a mouth to the house for a proper face. (Image Source: Liz du Canada)
Ultrahouse. Japan, oh Japan, you never failed to amuse me. Do you see ultraman in there? (Image Source: troutfactory)
:-O. Not sure if it looks happy, but at least it looks friendly! (Image Source: eneko123)
=_=. If I pass by this house, I will respond to it with the same expression. =_=. (Image Source: TheDentures)
Illusion is fun! And from the street art series to Cinemagraph to 4D artworks, you could know that we at hongkiat.com are a big fan of illusion! But this post won’t have materialized if there were no playful photographers taking these phtos. So yeah, it’s craziness and playfulness that make this world so interesting and fantastic!
Did you spot a house with a funny face expression somewhere? Or do you have a house with one? Challenge the houses showcased above by showing us even more house photos with an even funnier face expression! We’re ready to be crazily amused.
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via hongkiat.com http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/houses-with-human-face/