30 Worlds Best Car Brand Website Designs
Whether moral or immoral, right or wrong, it is a fact that a person having a car is considered higher in society than a person who doesn’t. The guard at the five star hotel stands and salutes him who enters in a car while people on bikes or people who walk there way in are ignored. Girls tend to be more attracted towards boys who have cars than those who don’t. In fact I remember Jeffrey Archer say in his masterpiece Kane and Abel that when William Kane modified the look of his car it decreased the value of his car to half but increased the number of his girlfriends to double.
Besides these ostentatious implications the basic function of a car is, of course, to make travelling comfortable. Let’s say you are going to buy a car but you are not sure which brand to buy. Below I present you with the top 30 car brands and their websites.
The brands range from Lamborghini to Lincoln, from Honda to Hyundai. They say the stars disappear when the sun shines. There are surely some good brands which you might not have heard of because they were outshined by the big names. So scroll down and check them out because I have collected all the best ones here.
1. Lamborghini
2. Scion
3. Infiniti
4. Dodge
5. Pontiac
6. Chevrolet
7. Honda
8. Hyundai
9. GMC
10. Toyota
11. Ferrari
12. Subaru
13. Volvo
14. Volkswagen
15. Porsche
16. Nissan
17. Mitsubishi Motors
18. Lexus
19. Hummer
20. Buick
21. BMW
22. Lincoln
23. Mercedes Benz
24. Audi
25. Ford
26. Suzuki
27. Acura
28. Jaguar
29. Jeep
30. Chrysler
Which is your favorite car? Which is your favorite brand? Do you like sports cars or the old traditional classy ones? Let me know in the comments below.
via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/web-designs/30-worlds-best-car-brand-website-designs?source=rss