43 Intricate Mind Map Illustrations
For the uninitiated, a mind map is a graphical organization of ideas and concepts that can be used to facilitate the generation of ideas and the learning process. The reason why this has been argued to be more effective than the traditional method of learning (e.g. rote learning, linear text reading, etc) is because such structuring of ideas and concepts resembles the way our brain works – i.e. via links or associations.
Mind mapping is done by connecting one idea to another with the aid of colors and images to tap both sides of our brains. When that happens, creativity gets a boost without compromising our sense of logic.
If you’re thinking of how you can start adsopting mind mapping in your learning or brainstorming needs, check out these 43 great examples of how mind maps can be made. The variety of these examples only goes to show that there’s no one right way to create a mind map. It all depends on your preferences and the topic of choice.
Course Structure. (Image Credit: Sam Bradd)
Global Rewind. (Image Credit: Sam Bradd
L’art Invisible. (Image Credit: Marion Charreau)
Metaphore Sur Le Cerveau. (Image Credit: Philippe Boukobza)
Another Life Mindmap. (Image Credit: Astrid Morganne)
Learning Styles. (Image Credit: Astrid Morganne)
Art & Design. (Image Credit: Ian Gowdie)
Seven Da Vincian Principles. (Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
The Art Of Mind Mapping .(Image Credit: Thum Theng Cheong)
Creating Powerful Learning Experiences. (Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
Creativity & Innovation. (Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
Time Management .(Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
Personal Development .(Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
Dreams. (Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
Workshop. (Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
Rules Of Mind Map. (Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
Who Moved My Cheese. (Image Credit: Thum Cheng Cheong)
Visual Thinking. (Image Credit: Pooja Thacker)
My Living Space. (Image Credit: Pooja Thacker)
Better Earth. (Image Credit: Priyanka Tiwari)
Diabetes. (Image Credit: Creativeinspiration)
Doing Things Differently. (Image Credit: Paul Foreman)
Peace Of Nature. (Image Credit: Paul Foreman)
Drawing The Line Of Forgiveness. (Image Credit: Paul Foreman)
How Might Our Buildings Combine With Nature. (Image Credit: Paul Foreman)
How to Focus in the Age of Distraction. (Image Credit: Jane Genovese)
Get Ready For Exams. (Image Credit: Jane Genovese)
Inauguration 2009. (Image Credit: Learn to Learn)
Math Mind Map. (Image Credit: Learn to Learn)
Mind Skills. (Image Credit: Shev Gul)
Exercise Motivation. (Image Credit: Shev Gul)
The Breathing Code. (Image Credit: Shev Gul)
Matt Bacak. (Image Credit: Matt Bacak)
Annie’s Mind Map Of Her Cranium Contents. (Image Credit: Sucky Poo Poo)
Taiwan. (Image Credit: Teddy Ni)
Global Understanding. (Image Credit: Shubham Kumar Singh)
Tree House at APQC Complex. (Image Credit: APQC)
Siviglia. (Image Credit: D Plastino)
Getting It Done. (Image Credit: Dan Porter & James Baylay)
Choosing The Platform. (Image Credit: Dan Porter & James Baylay)
Next Generation Handhelds. (Image Credit: Dan Porter & James Baylay)
Handheld Basics. (Image Credit: Dan Porter & James Baylay)
Playing Made Easy. (Image Credit: Margaret Brandman)
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via hongkiat.com http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/mind-maps/