45 Creative and Funny 404 Error Pages

Gone are those days to have the default 404 pages. Be it a blog or corporate website, having your unique 404 page give a different kind of impression altogether to the visitor. I love to see sites unique 404 page with their company default color or mascot saying something unique like “Oops you landed in no mans world” or “Oops there isn’t anything here for you” and etc…

404 page is just not to showcase your talent, its more than that. Its something like diverting visitor to something very important they might like to read or buy. Thus the importance of 404 page comes in to picture. We collected 40 creative and funny pages for your reference.

Hope you’ll get a unique idea looking at these.

1. Vegaz Vegaz

CF404EP 01

2. lego

CF404EP 02

3. Dainese

CF404EP 03

4. Curatorandmule

CF404EP 04

5. Angry Birds

CF404EP 05

6. Fast Centrix

CF404EP 06

7. Hugs for Monster

CF404EP 07

8. Local Fitness

CF404EP 08

9. Tele 2

CF404EP 09

10. Irrational Games

CF404EP 10

11. I Stock Photo

CF404EP 11

12. Carolrivello

CF404EP 12

13. Xhtml Kitchen

CF404EP 13

14. Catalyst Studio

CF404EP 14

15. Black Moon dev

CF404EP 15

16. Huwshimi

CF404EP 16

17. South park Studios

CF404EP 17

18. Home Star Runner

CF404EP 18

19. At Ease web

CF404EP 19

20. The Web Motel

CF404EP 20

21. D20 SRD

CF404EP 21

22. Dil Bert

CF404EP 22

23. Blue Daniel

CF404EP 23

24. Club kayak

CF404EP 24

25. Chris Glass

CF404EP 25

26. Pulp Fingers

CF404EP 26

27. Yep Like

CF404EP 27

28. Annie Kavon Hold It

CF404EP 28

29. Inflicted

CF404EP 29

30. Kings Family

CF404EP 30

31. Zebresel

CF404EP 31

32. Cofa Media

CF404EP 32

33. The Many Faces Of

CF404EP 33

34. Daily Mile

CF404EP 34

35. Jean Delbrel

CF404EP 35

36. 20 Bits

CF404EP 36

37. Kochatelier

CF404EP 37

38. Tap Tap Design

CF404EP 38

39. The Fontain

CF404EP 39

40. Otixo

CF404EP 40

41. The Truth

CF404EP 41

42. Etsy

CF404EP 42

43. Woo themes

CF404EP 43

44. Creative Pony

CF404EP 44

45. Ultra Noir

CF404EP 45

via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources http://www.2expertsdesign.com/graphics/45-creative-and-funny-404-error-pages?source=rss