60 Beautiful Flowers Wallpapers [Wallpaper Wednesday]

Editor’s note: This is a contributed post by John Zenkert who has a huge passion for design and the Internet. Currently he maintains a website called MinePick, a Minecraft server list.

The urban lifestyle is everywhere. Those who don’t have it, want it; and those who have it would rather die than give it up. Surrounded by people’s constant pursuit of a city life, on television and in media as well as in real life, it’s easy to forget that not long ago, a majority of people were living outside of cities.

Hopefully, this collection of wallpapers of flowers will take you back to the pre-industrialization era. While flowers most certainly still exist, few take the time to experience the many senses they can pleasure.

They are not only a visual feast for the eyes, but also have thousands of indescribable scents. The latter is obviously not possible to experience through a computer screen, but we hope that the beauty of the flowers in the collection is enough to at least put a smile on your face.

Wet Drops Blue Rose. Available in the following size(s): 1280×720, 1366×768, 1600×900, 1920×1080, 2560×1440

blue rose wallpaper

Dandelion Flower. Available in the following size(s): 1280×720, 1366×768, 1600×900, 1920×1080

dandelion flower wallpaper

Wet Drops Wine Red Rose. Available in the following size(s): 2560×1600

wet drops wine red rose wallpaper

Yellow Tulips. Available in the following size(s): 1280×720, 1366×768, 1600×900, 1920×1080

yellow tulips wallpaper

Purple Droste. Available in the following size(s): 1280×720, 1366×768, 1600×900, 1920×1080

purple droste wallpaper

Sunflower World. Available in the following size(s): 1280×720, 1366×768, 1920×1080

sunflower world wallpaper

Sunflower Landscape. Available in the following size(s): 1280×800, 1440×900, 1680×1050, 1920×1200

sunflower landscape wallpaper

Blue Roses. Available in the following size(s): 1280×720, 1366×768, 1600×900, 1920×1080

blue roses wallpaper

Alone Pink Flower. Available in the following size(s): 1280×720, 1366×768, 1920×1080

alone pink flower wallpaper

Blue Flowers. Available in the following size(s): 1024×768

blue flowers wallpaper

The Flowers. Available in the following size(s): 1500×1000

the flowers wallpaper

Growing Branch. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

growing branch wallpaper

Frnio. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

frnio wallpaper

Purple Blur. Available in the following size(s): 2560×1600, 1920×1200, 1440×900, 1280×800, 320×480 Download ZIP

Purple Blur wallpaper

Cherry Blossom. Available in the following size(s): 2560×1600, 1920×1200, 1440×900, 1280×800, 320×480 Download ZIP

Cherry Blossom wallpaper

Summer Fields. Available in the following size(s): 1280×800

Summer Fields wallpaper

A Dreamy World 85th. Available in the following size(s): 1600×1200

A Dreamy World 85th wallpaper

A Little Bunch of Flowers. Available in the following size(s): 1024×768

A little bunch of flowers wallpaper

Butterfly on Orange Flower. Available in the following size(s): 1440×900

Butterfly on Orange Flower wallpaper

Clean. Available in the following size(s): 1920×1200

Clean wallpaper

Wonderful Life. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Wonderful Life wallpaper

Round Flower. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Round Flower wallpaper

Calming Flower. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Calming Flower wallpaper

Orange Colors. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Orange Colors wallpaper

White Star. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

White Star wallpaper

China Dragon. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

China Dragon wallpaper

Purple & White Flowers. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Purple & White flowers wallpaper

Japan Flowers. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Japan Flowers wallpaper

The Chosen One. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

The Chosen One wallpaper

The Blue Flower. Available in the following size(s): 1680×1116

The Blue Flower wallpaper

Autumn Colors. Available in the following size(s): 1680×1050

Autumn Colors wallpaper

Cold Fire. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Cold Fire wallpaper

Close Flower. Available in the following size(s): 1920×1200

Close Flower wallpaper

Perfect Nature. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Perfect Nature wallpaper

Mysterious Flower. Available in the following size(s): 1200×900

Mysterious Flower wallpaper

Dapper Desk. Available in the following size(s): 1280×800

Dapper Desk wallpaper

Purple Crocus. Available in various sizes. Download

Purple Crocus wallpaper

Cold Flowers. Available in the following size(s): 1280×800

Cold Flowers wallpaper

2 Elements. Available in the following size(s): 1920×1200

2 Elements wallpaper

Flowering Cherry. Available in the following size(s): 1600×1200

Flowering Cherry wallpaper

Spring Flower. Available in the following size(s): 1920×1080

Spring Flower wallpaper

Flower Forest. Available in the following size(s): 1920×1200

Flower Forest wallpaper

Faia. Available in the following size(s): 1920×1285

Flower Forest wallpaper

Mountains Flowers. Available in various sizes. Download

Mountains Flowers wallpaper

Frangipani. Available in various sizes. Download

Frangipani wallpaper

Trillium. Available in various sizes. 1800×1200

Trillium wallpaper

Diamonds in the Sun. Available in the following size(s): 1280×1024, 1024×768 Download ZIP

Diamonds in the Sun wallpaper

Red Poppies. Available in the following size(s): 1280×1024

Red Tulips wallpaper

Pink Spring. Available in the following size(s): 1152×765

Pink Spring wallpaper

The Smallest Wish. Available in the following size(s): 1280×800

The Smallest Wish wallpaper

Winter Wonderland. Available in the following size(s): 3888×2592

Winter Wonderland wallpaper

Fall. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

When Fall Comes wallpaper

Poppy Field. Available in the following size(s): 3098×2090

Poppy Field wallpaper

Foretaste of Spring. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Fortaste of Spring wallpaper

White Spring Flowers. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

White Spring Flowers wallpaper

Rainbow Poppy. Available in the following size(s): 3841×2578

Rainbow Poppy wallpaper

Yellow Flower. Available in various sizes. Download ZIP

Yellow Flower wallpaper

Almost Summer. Available in the following size(s). 2896×1944

Almost Summer wallpaper

Daisy. Available in the following size(s). 2560×1600

Daisy wallpaper

Triplets on the Edge. Available in the following size(s). 3008×2000

Triplets on the Edge wallpaper


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