Design 3D and Animated Printed Cards, Invitations, and more With SnapilyPro
As a creative professional, it’s imperative that your portfolio is hot, and you do your best to stay relevant. With that in mind, we wanted to introduce you to something most of your portfolios are probably missing.
SnapilyPro introduces the ability to print projects in 3D and Motion, aka lenticular printing.
SnapilyPro is an online lenticular digital printing service that allows creative professionals to design, print and ship their own printed projects with 3D and/or animated effects. Its specialty lies in the ability to do short run proofs, even a single print! This has enhanced the opportunities for professionals to both order affordable proofs and really impress their clients with stand out materials.
Up until recently, there was no really good way for a designer to proof their lenticular content. Lenticular printing had only been available in very large orders. Therefore, if you wanted to present something to a client, a sample proof – there would be no other avenue to both create that proof AND order a single print.
SnapilyPro has developed several workflows to meet this need. It’s available online – and is as simple as uploading your artwork, and waiting for it to be delivered in a matter of days.
SnapilyPro is a service of HumanEyes Technologies, which is an award winning company doing business since 2002.
What are the capabilities of lenticular printing?
1) 3D
I am pretty sure 3D needs no introduction. Unless you’ve been living in a cave, it would be hard to miss on the influence 3D has had in recent years, especially on the big screen. Since the success of these films, almost every technology is being offered in 3D – Televisions’s, cameras, etc.
So it should be no surprise that this interest has also become available in print. Imagine being able to tell a client that they can now get their business cards, flyers, invitations, etc.. in 3D? This refers to a printed image that shows depth as the angle of viewing changes. In a 3D print, the different elements of your design are positioned on different planes. You can assign different depth levels to each plane so that an illusion of depth and perspective is seen on the print. Unlike plain 2D images, 3D effects impart reality to your graphics. No glasses required!
2) Flip
Flip is probably the most popular ‘effect’ at both Snapily and SnapilyPro. This technology allows for 2 images to be placed in the same space, and rotating the product slightly (to change the viewing angle) will go from displaying one image to the next. Firstly one image is shown and then, with the movement of a hand or changing the viewing angle, it is “flipped” into another image while the first image vanishes and the 2nd appears, then the 2nd image is flipped into the 1st and so on. This effect can be utilized to demonstrate “cause and effect” or “before and after” comparisons. Flip Animation has become a great way to deliver two messages in a space of one.
3) Animations
This technology uses a series of images coming together to create an animation somewhat like a small movie clip. The illusion of movement comes about either from a selection of video frames or sequential still images. This kind of lenticular animation effect is especially suited for emphasizing movement of a human body or mechanical movement. You can also use the sequence of images to show effects such as morph, i.e. one face to another or zoom, i.e. from small object to a larger one.
A unique feature of SnapilyPro is the price calculator. Available on the home page, the price calculator enables you to calculate the price of the print. You will have to fill 3 columns. “Width”, “Height” and “Quantity” and then hit “Calculate”. The software will then display instant results as to the total costs. The costs will change depending on lens size (40 LPI and 60 LPI), and quantity discounts kick in pretty quickly to reduce the costs by 10-40%.
So go check the site out and let me know what you think in the comments below.
via Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources