How to Create a Sub-Subdomain

The usage of sub-subdomain may vary depending on your needs. You may want to create a sub-subdomain to make it read a complete sentence, for example,, or for any other reasons you might have.


Imagine having a button on your hosting control panel that will let you create a sub-subdomain easily. If you are using cPanel, chances are, you already have the option on your control panel.

In this tutorial, we will guide you to create a sub-subdomain using cPanel subdomain creation section as well as using ‘A-record’ (in case you do not have sub-subdomain creation option provided on your control panel).

Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it may sound, really!

Creating Sub-subdomain With cPanel

If you have access to your cPanel, log in and click on the ‘Subdomains’ button.

subdomain button

1. Creating Subdomain

You will be redirected to the subdomain setup page, enter the name of the subdomain you want to use on the provided column (we are using sub1) and select the domain to use. Leave the ‘Document Root’ as it will be set automatically, and then click on the ‘Create’ button.

Create Sub Domain

As a result, you will see the subdomain successfully created and listed under the subdomains list.

Subdomain list

Now you have created subdomain of successfully. Let’s continue with the next step.

2. Creating sub-subdomain

To create a sub-subdomain, fill up the same form, enter the name you want to use, in this example we will be using sub2.

Now on the dropdown menu, select the subdomain you have created earlier,

create sub-subdomain

After selection, click on ‘Create’ button and that’s all. You will now see the end result on your subdomains list.

Sub-subdomain list

The creation may take seconds to a few minutes. When done, open up your sub-subdomain and you should be able to see that the page has been created successfully.

Sub-subdomain result

That’s all, and now you already know how to create a sub-subdomain! Ain’t that easy?

Creating Sub-Subdomain with A-Record

If you are not able to create the sub-subdomain via cPanel or any other web control panel, you don’t have to be worried. Open your cPanel, lookup for the ‘Domains’ section and click on Simple DNS Zone Editor’.


Under the column ‘Add an A Record’, fill up the sub-subdomain to want to use as the name, we are using and dont forget to add a fullstop (.) at the end of the address. Under the ‘Address’ column, enter your DNS record (we are using as an example). Now click on ‘Add a Record’ button.

Add A record

That’s it, your sub-subdomain will be created; you may need to wait a few minutes for it to be ready.

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